• Program Your Mindset to Live Healthy Forever
    India's First Psychology Based Health Transformation Programs

    Program Your Mindset to Live Healthy Forever

    India's First Psychology Based Health Transformation Programs

Myself Vikash Kasinathan one of the Top Life Coach in India & Author of the Book “The Secret of Successful Life”. I have completed the Masters in “Neuro Linguistic Programming” which is one of the greatest Brain psychology tools in the world to “Heal the life by reprogramming the brain”. By using this techniques, i have given a breakthrough in people life in terms of Physical Health & Mental Health, Which created a positive output in their physical health, relationship, career, business and inner health. I have helped 1000’s of people to come out of stress anxiety and depression, which they were going through for years and years.  I'm an Advance  level Yoga & Meditation practitioner, helped people to  master the emotions by using Meditation and  NLP techniques. I have completed Advance level Fitness Transformation certification  and Nutrition Course  and have 11 years of practical experience in physical transformation. I am the creator of the "World's First Psychological Based Fitness Transformation program" to fix the Most complicated issue of consistency in fitness journey. 

Program Your subconscious Mind to Live Fit & Healthy for Lifetime 

Physical Wellness Course

Learn all the Knowledge to transform your body successfully.

Program Your subconscious Mind to Live Stress & Anxiety Free Life

Mental Wellness Course

Learn all the Knowledge to Live a Peaceful Life.
Explore the Fitness Transformation Program
Explore the Mental Wellness program

Physical Wellness Course

Program Your subconscious Mind to Live Fit & Healthy for Lifetime 

Learn all the Knowledge to transform your body successfully.
Explore the Fitness Transformation Program

Mental Wellness Course

Program Your subconscious Mind to Live Stress & Anxiety Free Life

Learn all the Knowledge to Live a Peaceful Life.
Explore the Mental Wellness program

Our Vision

 To change people lives better Physically, Mentally, Spiritually, Financially & Professionally by programming their Subconscious Mind. 

Vision & Mission

Our Vision

 To change people lives better Physically, Mentally, Spiritually, Financially & Professionally by programming their Subconscious Mind. 

Upcoming Event

Mental Health

Our Mind is naturally programmed for negative thoughts and we are living in a most distractive world, Research says our attention span is reduced to “0.8 sec” which is less than gold fish attention span time. If you are not consciously practicing to keep your focus and concentration in a optimum level your thoughts will get distracted and take you to negative thoughts by default, and you will start to procrastinate anything and everything though you know it is very important to do anything.

Physical Health

Whatever your Emotions perceives, your mind processes, your body should be in a optimum state to execute it, Your Body is communicating with your mind every single moment, Neurologically When your mind creates any action plan, it will expect a acknowledgement from the body to see the physical possibility of accomplishing the task. When your body is not active, dynamic and energetic, delay acknowledgement of the response from your body will automatically put the task in procrastination mode.

If you want to live Pro Active, High Achiever, healthy & Wealthy Life you need to maintain your Emotional, Mental & Physical Health at an optimum level.

Emotional Health

Your Emotional perception of any information is the trigger to produce any action in your life, When the perceive the information with right emotion it will give you right input to your brain to process the task and your body will execute.


Emotional imbalance is the key for all the psychosomatic diseases, if you want to live a medicine free life, learn to manage your emotions well, there is no point in showing your negative emotions to your managers, colleagues and to your relationship, it will only create adverse effect on your own. Though your skillful &knowledgeable, When you are emotionally down your mind will not work to process anything.

Physical Health

Mental Health

Emotional Health

If you want to live Pro Active, High Achiever, healthy & Wealthy Life you need to maintain your Emotional, Mental & Physical Health at an optimum level.

All you need is a Wisdom & Guidance from the people who have achieved it

All you need is a Wisdom & Guidance from the people who have achieved it

"Rich Gets Richer, Poor Gets Poorer"
Until You Reprogram your mind to become Rich.                              ​                                                                    - VIKASH KASINATHAN

"Rich Gets Richer, Poor Gets Poorer"

Until You Reprogram your mind to become Rich
                         - VIKASH KASINATHAN

Who we are?

Who we are?